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  • Казахстан-Индонез-Монгол олон улсын үзэсгэлэн

    We are pleased to announce that our company will participate in international exhibitions.Our company will arrange a team of outstanding employees to participate in the exhibition. Манай лангуунд тавтай морил: 1.Үгүй. 6-р сараас MINING WEEK-д А-111 25 руу 27 Казахстаны Караганда хотод. 2.Үгүй. A3N3-11 at GEM Indonesia from July 30th to August 1st in Jakarta of Indonesia. 3.Үгүй. 303 10-р сараас MinePro2024 дээр 10 руу 12 Монгол улсын Улаанбаатар хотод. Чиндао чин сэтгэлийн химийн ХХК., being a Top ranked Reliable Professional Supplier for Liquid Chemicals and some advanced Solid Chemicals that we product. And we have been serving for customers engaging in

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  • Азотын хүчлийг Африкт олборлох зорилгоор экспортолж

    Nitric acid exported to Africa for mining Product Name: Nitric Acid Other Names: Хүчтэй ус, Шөнийн сүнс, Сийлбэр, Устөрөгчийн нитрат, Acidum nitricum Molecular Formula: HNO3 UN No.: 2031 HS дугаар:2808000090 CAS дугаар: 7697-37-2 EINECS дугаар.: 231-714-2 Аюулын ангилал: 8+5.1 Цэвэр байдал: 68% Гадаад төрх: Өнгөгүй тунгалаг уусмал

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  • Hydrogen Peroxide Price Trend and Forecast

    Market Overview For the Quarter Ending March 2022 Asia Pacific Prices of Hydrogen peroxide in the Chinese market increased throughout the Q1 of 2022 due to production halts owing to the winter Olympics held in Beijing during February 2022. Prices of Hydrogen Peroxide were recorded at USD 615/MT during the end of the first quarter of 2022. In the Indian market Hydrogen Peroxide prices rose on the back of high demand from the downstream paper and pulp industry as well as globally disrupted upstream natural gas trade due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Prices of Hydrogen Peroxide are

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